Helping parents and children prepare for academic success
QCDO’s early childhood programs currently serve 46 children in Quitman and surrounding counties. The programs offer a caring environment that will help children prepare for school and foster interest from parents in his/her child’s education. Currently we have eight (8) Foster Grand Parents working in the Quitman County Elementary School.
Early Childhood Education
QCDO offers a variety of after-school programs to promote education, literacy, arts, and health.
- The Children’s Village, an after-school program that strengthens and expands the math and English skills of children ages 9 and under. The Children’s Village currently serves approximately 65 children and utilizes former participants as student volunteers.
- Save the Children is an after-school program for children in the Lambert, MS community Save the Children provides funding for the Accelerated Readers Program.

Early Steps to Success
Early Steps to School Success provides early childhood education services to pregnant women and children birth to three years of age, education services to their parents, and ongoing staff training to the community early childhood educations involved with the program. The program is designed to assist children with early language development, social and emotional development, and equip parents with the skills and knowledge to successfully support their child’s growth. The result will be a strong foundation of learning for the child which will prepare him/her for success in school.
- Referrals of other human resource services
- Home visits
- Parent/child education groups
- Child play groups
- Transition programs to Pre-K
- Monthly parent meetings
Raising A Reader
Raising a Reader provides early childhood education services to children three years to five years of age. The program is designed to assist children with early language development and equip parents with the skills and knowledge to successfully support their child’s growth in reading and language. The result will be a strong foundation of learning for the child which will prepare him/her for success in school.
- Book bag exchange(Parents receive books that are to be read to the children and tracked as to how many times they have read to the children)
- Monthly parent meetings
- Monthly classroom reading

Young Adult Education
Preparing young adults for the real world
Young adult programs allow QCDO to address the needs of students living within our tri-county target area. We target students through established school programs during and after school, workshops, and organized events.
Quitman County Placed Based Education Project is a grant that gives us the opportunity to help students, through hands on and real world applications, to meet the student’s needs in the areas of math application and math reasoning, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is vital as many American face layoffs and the uncertainty of the economy. The concepts to be covered are aligned to the states curriculum for economics as well as the math strands addressed by the state exams.
Entrepreneurial Workshops
Financial Literacy Workshops
Project Learning Activities